
The Diamond Cutter 20th Anniversary New Edition by Geshe Michael Roach - Paperback.

The Diamond Cutter 20th Anniversary New Edition by Geshe Michael Roach - Paperback.


The Buddha on Managing your Business and Your Life

Geshe Michael Roach is an honors graduate of Princeton University who spent 25 years in a Tibetan Buddhist monastery and became the first American in history to be awarded the ancient degree of Geshe, or “Master of Buddhism.”.

Michael was asked by his Tibetan teachers to see if he could apply these lessons to starting a modern business, and so he helped found the Andin International Diamond Jewelry Corporation in Manhattan, New York.

With the help of these ancient success principles, Andin became the largest diamond jewelry company in the world, with sales of $250 million per year, and in 2009 was sold to super-investor Warren Buffett.

The Diamond Cutter, Michael’s book about how anyone can use the same principles for success in business & their personal life, became an international best-seller. This 20th anniversary edition includes over 40 pages of new material to help you plant the mental seeds for certain, major success in your life.

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The Diamond Cutter, 20th Anniversary is also available at:

China Love You, The Death of Global Competition 2nd Edition by Geshe Michael Roach - Paperback

China Love You, The Death of Global Competition 2nd Edition by Geshe Michael Roach - Paperback

The Diamond Cutter 20th Anniversary - A limited-edition signed by Geshe Michael Roach BookBrushImage3D-flat-with-shadow.png

The Diamond Cutter 20th Anniversary - A limited-edition signed by Geshe Michael Roach


China Love You First Edition - Signed by Geshe Michael Roach
