
The Essential Yoga Sutra - 20th Anniversary Edition Paperback by Geshe Michael Roach - PRE-ORDER

The Essential Yoga Sutra - 20th Anniversary Edition Paperback by Geshe Michael Roach - PRE-ORDER


Pre-order shipping November 11th.

The Yoga Sutra is the first and most important book ever written about yoga. It was composed by the Indian master Patanjali about seventeen centuries ago, in Sanskrit. The sutra is accepted as the ultimate source by all modern schools of yoga, including Ashtanga, Iyengar, Bikram, Anusara, and Lady Niguma Yoga. It’s a book that every practitioner of yoga should read and use—a guide to our yoga and our life.

This new translation and explanation of the sutra makes it easy to use for your own yoga practice. It’s clear and accurate, based on over one hundred ancient manuscripts from India and Tibet that have never been available in English.

Patanjali organized the sutra into four parts, or cornerstones: Samadhi (Meditation), Sadhana (the Way), Vibhuti (Practice), and Kaivalya (Total Purity). Each section outlines a stage in the yogi’s journey toward wholeness by stopping the way the mind misconceives itself and the world. Geshe Michael Roach, a highly respected teacher of Tibetan Buddhism and a renowned scholar of Sanskrit, provides insightful commentary on each of the parts. His explanations are clear and accessible, free from complex academic language or New Age terminology. As the first translation of the Yoga Sutra to offer a Buddhist perspective, this book is a valuable resource for both students and spiritual seekers.

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